Sunday, August 16, 2009

That's Mrs. Triathlete to you!

This weekend was my first Triathlon! Okay, it was a mini and there were a lot of very out of shape people, including myself, but it counts! It was the training ground for 'would be' athletes, 'wanna be's', 'has beens', etc. I did actually see some people there that had sponsors on their shirts, but they must have just wanted to feel good about themselves that day because they easily won. I have another coming up September 12th and I want to shave some minutes off of my time AND get some sponsors. Yes, you read that correctly. I wonder who I could get to sponsor me? Maybe the Trussville, police dept. They do owe me some money after the ridiculous traffic ticket I paid.

I'm hoping some of my girlfriends will do this one with me! It was me and some guys from church. They were all way ahead of me, so I had no one to hang with!